OTC products

Discover our non-prescription portfolio

OTC products

Discover our non-prescription portfolio

Here you can find out more about our over-the-counter products. Click on the link and learn about our non-prescription portfolio.
Here you can find out more about our over-the-counter products. Click on the link and learn about our non-prescription portfolio.

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as opposed to prescription drugs, which may be sold only to consumers possessing a valid prescription.

Sinuforte pack
Sinuforte is a medicine for the treatment of various forms of sinusitis based on European cyclamen. Sinuforte has a dual effect that contributes dilution of mucus and its removal from the sinuses. In this way Sinuforte eliminates the symptoms of sinusitis and speeds up recovery.
Suprastin tablets pack
Suprastin tablets
Suprastin® (chloropyramine hydrochloride) - antihistamine drug, effective for various types of allergies.
Sample Reparon pack
Sample Reparon
Рослинний засіб на основі екстрактів рослин і натуральних інгредієнтів, для полегшення симптомів геморою та його ускладнень (наприклад, тріщина прямої кишки)
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